
Unlock your home's green energy potential with warmur

Generic black heat pump in garden

What we doHeat pumps, solar, battery & tariffs, made simple

Warmur knows that every home needs a tailored solution to deliver the best combination of green upgrades. We build personalised Green Home Upgrade Plans that maximise your energy and carbon savings.

How it works

Warmur is creating a future of efficient, sustainable homes. By combining the benefits of multiple renewable technologies with time of use tariffs, we are helping people visualise their home's green energy potential, unlocking savings and cutting carbon.

How it works1. Understanding your home

We take a unique whole-home energy approach, analysing local weather patterns, property type and energy use, to work out the optimal configuration of heat pump, solar, battery and electricity tariff for you.

Book a survey
warmur home

Solar Panels

Generate free, clean electricity from the sun


Store energy generated by your solar panels and utilize off-peak energy tariffs

Heat Pump

At least triple the efficiency of a fossil fuel burner

How it works2. Simple plans, backed by numbers

Next, we run hundreds of computer simulations to determine the optimal configuration of renewable technologies for you, and help you find the best energy tariffs. Our bespoke home energy plan removes the guesswork from researching home energy technologies, maximising your investment.

Reducing your carbon footprint

On average, we can show how to reduce carbon footprint from home energy usage by around 75%.

warmur home graph

Save £1,241 per annum

A three bed UK household could save over £1,241 on their energy bill and increase heating efficiency by 41%.

How it works3. Delivering warmur homes

Energy efficiency and low running costs can only be achieved with careful system design and high-quality installations. We have built an industry-leading network of top-tier installers to deliver your warmur home.

warmur delivery
warmur mobile app

Let's get startedCreate your warmur home

Our free to use calculator software can provide you with an optimized and bespoke whole-home electrification plan.